To the fans in the stands, football helmets represent which team they're rooting for and which team is the opposition. To the players, those helmets mean so much more. In addition to offering optimum protection, that football helmet stands for your teammates, your team, and you as a part of it all. It's the armor you put on to give you the strength, energy, and protection to succeed on the field. Without the best helmet, you'd be risking the game for all those people for whom you are playing. Our football helmet is handmade out of iron and painted red with a white star. It is a perfect decorative piece to hang on your wall for the football fan!
A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to protect the head from injuries. More specifically, a helmet aids the skull in protecting the human brain. The oldest known use of helmets was by Assyrian soldiers in 900 BC, who wore thick leather or bronze helmets to protect the head from blunt object and sword blows and arrow strikes in combat. Soldiers still wear helmets, now often made from lightweight plastic materials.
In civilian life, helmets are used for recreational activities and sports (e.g. jockeys in horse racing, American football, ice hockey, cricket, baseball, camogie, hurling and rock climbing); dangerous work activities (e.g. construction, mining, riot police); and transportation (e.g. motorcycle helmets and bicycle helmets). Since the 1990s, most helmets are made from resin or plastic, which may be reinforced with fibers such as aramids.